Restore Exchange 2003 Database from Dirty Shutdown

Friday, normally a very quiet day, today was going to be different than I had anticipated.

I got in the in office and overheard a collegue, talking with a sysadmin from a subdivision about an exchange server. Damn I knew it immediately it was the one from yesterday that wend down 30 times in 12 hours.
They had replaced the systemboard, and where now knocking on our doors for help because the Mailbox database wouldn't mount, and before I even got a cup of coffee I was on the phone and started the rdp session to the server. Our exchange environment consists of about 135 exchange 2003 servers. But the one I now needed to rdp to I knew the hostname already.

On the phone with the sysadmin I started the needed actions, and I've written them down so it maybe helps someone in the future.

This article explains all the steps you need to take to be a bring a exchange 2003 mailbox store that is in a "Dirty" Shutdown state back to life.

Actions performed for exchange 2003 dirty shutdown restore.

1. Bring the server gracefully down.

This to let exchange try to automatically forward the logs
into the store after the clean reboot.

2. Ran the following command to check the state of both mailbox store database and public folder database.

eseutil /mh "E:\Exchsrvr\FirstStorageGroup\PFStore1\PFStore1.edb"
eseutil /mh "E:\Exchsrvr\FirstStorageGroup\MBStore1\MBStore1.edb"

Output from the MBStore1 was mailbox state was "Dirty Shutdown"

And the Repair Count was 0 and the last fullbackup was from 5/9/2012 21:30:14

3. Ran the following command on the logs, to check if the log files are all ok, this to make sure a soft repair will work.

eseutil /ml "D:\Exchsrvr\FirstStorageGroup\Logs\E00"

Output was ok logs are valid, so we can start with a "soft repair"

4. Eseutil /r E00 /l "D:\Exchsrvr\FirstStorageGroup\Logs" /d "E:\Exchsrvr\FirstStorageGroup\MbxStore1\MbxStore1.edb"

Operation terminated with error -1216 (JET_errAttachedDatabaseMismatch, An outstanding database attachment has been detected at the start or end of recovery, but database is missing or does not match attachment info) after 44.62 seconds

5. Due to the error above I had to ignore streaming errors by adding the /i switch.

Eseutil /r E00 /l "D:\Exchsrvr\FirstStorageGroup\Logs" /d "E:\Exchsrvr\FirstStorageGroup\MbxStore1\MbxStore1.edb" /i

After this I started ESM and mounted both the mailbox store en public folder store without errors.


Shaunna said…
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