
Showing posts from May, 2012

[Solved] Avira keeps it quiete about the mess they made...

Solution below I was having some problem since yesterday that my DllHost.exe process was blocked by Avira. I suspected that I was infected with some kind of worm, which is odd since I run several layers of security to prevent this. Today I had enough and sought after a solution on the internet, I was dumbfounded to find this. Please Note its in German and it published 10:44 +1 GMT (DST) Sehr geehrter Avira Nutzer, nach dem Produktupdate der Avira Software werden diverse Anwendungen als gefaehrlich eingestuft und von der Komponente ProActiv blockiert. Unsere Entwicklung arbeitet derzeit mit Hochdruck an einem automatischen Update zur Beseitigung des Fehlers. Damit Sie Ihren Computer wieder wie gewohnt benutzen koennen haben wir 2 Loesungsvorschlaege die wir Ihnen im Moment anbieten koennen: Loesung A: ProActiv deaktivieren 1. oeffnen Sie das Avira Control Center 2. druecken Sie die Taste "F8" um die Konfiguration zu oeffnen 3. aktivieren Sie links oben den ...
Const ForReading = 1 Dim arrTapes() Redim arrTapes(1) strPrevTapeNumber = "xxxx" Dim objDictionary Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'Reading Arguments from the commandline Set args = WScript.Arguments argTapesExportFile = args.Item(0) argPoolName = args.Item(1) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(argTapesExportFile, ForReading) Do While objTextFile.AtEndOfStream <> True   strLine = objtextFile.ReadLine   If inStr(strLine, argPoolName) Then     strTapeNumber = Mid(strLine,InStr(strLine,argPoolName) - 7,7)       if not inArray(arrTapes,strTapeNumber) then         redim preserve arrTapes(ubound(arrTapes)+1)         arrTapes(ubound(arrTapes)) = strTapeNumber         wscript.echo arrTapes(ubound(arrTapes))       end if    End If    strPrevTapeNumber...

Restore Exchange 2003 Database from Dirty Shutdown

Friday, normally a very quiet day, today was going to be different than I had anticipated. I got in the in office and overheard a collegue, talking with a sysadmin from a subdivision about an exchange server. Damn I knew it immediately it was the one from yesterday that wend down 30 times in 12 hours. They had replaced the systemboard, and where now knocking on our doors for help because the Mailbox database wouldn't mount, and before I even got a cup of coffee I was on the phone and started the rdp session to the server. Our exchange environment consists of about 135 exchange 2003 servers. But the one I now needed to rdp to I knew the hostname already. On the phone with the sysadmin I started the needed actions, and I've written them down so it maybe helps someone in the future. This article explains all the steps you need to take to be a bring a exchange 2003 mailbox store that is in a "Dirty" Shutdown state back to life. Actions performed for exchange 200...