
Showing posts from October, 2007

Backup Exec slow Exchange Mailbox Backup [Solved]

I had a problem with a slow backup performance of Backup Exec. The whole process took around 12 hours for the mailboxes only ~32GB. The problem was at least in my case that around the same time of the backup, a database maintenance job was running. It was set to start around 4am. You can change the schedule of the database job in ESM ==> Server ==> <your exchange server> ==> First Storage Group ==> [tab] Database ==> Maintenance Interval ==> [Customize] Now you can set your own maintenance schedule which off course does not interfere with your backup schedule. Hope this will help you in solving slow backups of your exchange mailboxes with backup exec.   Technorati Tags: backup exec , exchange , slow , backup , mailbox , Exchange System Manager , ESM

Create an VPN Connection with a Juniper Netscreen 5GT (Part 1)

I created this post because I really hate the juniper site with their links to other documents instead of displaying the whole document all together. To configure an L2TP over IPSec tunnel, perform the following steps: Configure an L2TP over IPSec user on the Juniper Firewall. For more information on configuring an L2TP over IPSec user, go to Configuring an L2TP over IPSec User on the Juniper Firewall . Configure an L2TP user group on the Juniper Firewall. For more information on configuring an L2TP user group, go to Configuring an L2TP User Group on the Juniper Firewall . Configure an L2TP group gateway on the Juniper Firewall. For more information on configuring an L2TP group gateway, go to Configuring an L2TP Group Gateway and VPN on the Juniper Firewall . Configure an L2TP IP pool on the Juniper Firewall. For more information on configuring an L2TP IP pool, go to Configuring an L2TP IP Pool on the Juniper Firewall . Configure the L2TP VPN default settings on the J...