
Sorting IP adresses in excel using powwrshell

 We all know the problem with IP addresses in excel, I've created a workaround in powershell by adding leading zeros to octets that contains not 3 digits. To convert an IP address to the format "" in PowerShell, you can use the -f operator with a format string that includes placeholders for each octet of the IP address. For example: $ip = "" $formattedIp = "{0:000}.{1:000}.{2:000}.{3:000}" -f $ip.Split(".") # Output: "" And to turn it back  $formattedIp = "{0:000}.{1:000}.{2:000}.{3:000}" -f $ip.Split(".") $formattedIp = $formattedIp -replace "^0*", "" # Output: ""

Install Kodi on Google Nexus Player the easy way.

Yesterday I received my Google Nexus Player . And after the inititial setup I checked the Google Play Store I installed the usual Netflix , TED , Pandorra . But I wanted to install Kodi formerly known as XBMC. I initially searched on the Internet and saw some tutorials with using USB devices, OTG cables, enabling Developer mode and Enabling ADB debugging and I thought this can be done easier, below are the steps I took to install Kodi on the Nexus Player. Enable Unknown Sources on the Google Nexus Player Install ES File Explorer on the Google Nexus Player through a web browser. Start the FTP Server in ES File Explorer on the Google Nexus Player. Download Kodi [Kodi 14.0 “Helix” – RC 1] copy the downloaded file to the Google Nexus Player. Start the install on the nexus player through the ES File Explorer. Below in more detail. On the Nexus Player you need to enable "Unknown Sources" since Kodi is still not in the google play store.   Go to settings. Sc...

Find user accounts who do not require Kerberos PreAuthentication

This is just a simple one. I had to find users who did not had the preauthentication option checked. Read more here: Please note that I use samAccountType instead of the less efficient (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)) Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(&(samAccountType=805306368)(useraccountcontrol:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=4194304))"

How to stay ahead with your home pc security

This article is about security and how to minimize your exposure to malware / virusses / trojans. Keep in mind that this article is written for the home user and not for the large companies with for example Checkpoint Firewalls with IPS blades, and with SCCM 2012 with integrated CSI, forefront etc.... This is about the average joe who wants to stay secure while browsing the World Wide (War) Web. The first thing to achieve the above goal, is to keep you off from malicious sites who deploy trojans, try to run botnets etc etc.... for this I use OpenDNS . Speed up your Internet experience OpenDNS’s 12 global data centers are strategically located at the most well-connected intersections of the Internet. Unlike other providers, OpenDNS’s network uses sophisticated Anycast routing technology, which means no matter where you are in the world, your DNS requests are answered by the datacenter closest to you. Combined with the largest DNS caches in the industry, OpenDNS provides yo...

RDP Authentication issues Windows 2008 R2

Today we had a nasty encounter with sudden access denied on RDP connection to our Terminal Server Farms. The day started that users could not connect to our Navision environment, this environment constists of an Terminal Server farm with an SQL 2008 Cluster. After analyzing first symptoms we saw that the SQL Cluster had failed over but that the quorum disk was stil on the Node that had "sudden" issues. Thus we gracefully brought the faulty node down through Cluster Manager and started it up again. In the meantime we were notified that there were still issues, then we saw profile redirection errors caused by a faulty location and permissions of the user profile location. We left the profiles at default location and focussed on the permissions we fixed them, and users started to report that they could log in again. But now problems started to appear out of now where users could not connect to our other Terminal Servers farms for other application, we where now m...

How to Upload to multiple stocksites at once for free with Adobe Lightroom [Part 1 of 2]

Ever since I've starting to upload my photo's to some microstock sites I always have been looking for the easiest and fastest way possible to upload them to the microstock sites I'm on. The reason I upload my photo's to multiple microstock sites lies in the fact that you only can make some money if you upload either a lot photo's or some photo's to a lot of microstock sites. Since I don't have a lot of photo's to upload to microstock sites I choose the latter, I upload to a lot of microstock sites. When you do the math it becomes obvious. Lets say I have 20 photo's that are good enough to upload to microstock sites and I upload them to 25 microstock sites I have effectively the same exposure as with 500 photo's But do it with 500 photo's and you reach a whopping 12500 photo's online. So in order to put in a year 12500 photo's online you only have to shoot 5 decent pictures in a weekend that you can upload to a microstock site. ...

[Solved] Avira keeps it quiete about the mess they made...

Solution below I was having some problem since yesterday that my DllHost.exe process was blocked by Avira. I suspected that I was infected with some kind of worm, which is odd since I run several layers of security to prevent this. Today I had enough and sought after a solution on the internet, I was dumbfounded to find this. Please Note its in German and it published 10:44 +1 GMT (DST) Sehr geehrter Avira Nutzer, nach dem Produktupdate der Avira Software werden diverse Anwendungen als gefaehrlich eingestuft und von der Komponente ProActiv blockiert. Unsere Entwicklung arbeitet derzeit mit Hochdruck an einem automatischen Update zur Beseitigung des Fehlers. Damit Sie Ihren Computer wieder wie gewohnt benutzen koennen haben wir 2 Loesungsvorschlaege die wir Ihnen im Moment anbieten koennen: Loesung A: ProActiv deaktivieren 1. oeffnen Sie das Avira Control Center 2. druecken Sie die Taste "F8" um die Konfiguration zu oeffnen 3. aktivieren Sie links oben den ...
Const ForReading = 1 Dim arrTapes() Redim arrTapes(1) strPrevTapeNumber = "xxxx" Dim objDictionary Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'Reading Arguments from the commandline Set args = WScript.Arguments argTapesExportFile = args.Item(0) argPoolName = args.Item(1) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(argTapesExportFile, ForReading) Do While objTextFile.AtEndOfStream <> True   strLine = objtextFile.ReadLine   If inStr(strLine, argPoolName) Then     strTapeNumber = Mid(strLine,InStr(strLine,argPoolName) - 7,7)       if not inArray(arrTapes,strTapeNumber) then         redim preserve arrTapes(ubound(arrTapes)+1)         arrTapes(ubound(arrTapes)) = strTapeNumber         wscript.echo arrTapes(ubound(arrTapes))       end if    End If    strPrevTapeNumber...

Restore Exchange 2003 Database from Dirty Shutdown

Friday, normally a very quiet day, today was going to be different than I had anticipated. I got in the in office and overheard a collegue, talking with a sysadmin from a subdivision about an exchange server. Damn I knew it immediately it was the one from yesterday that wend down 30 times in 12 hours. They had replaced the systemboard, and where now knocking on our doors for help because the Mailbox database wouldn't mount, and before I even got a cup of coffee I was on the phone and started the rdp session to the server. Our exchange environment consists of about 135 exchange 2003 servers. But the one I now needed to rdp to I knew the hostname already. On the phone with the sysadmin I started the needed actions, and I've written them down so it maybe helps someone in the future. This article explains all the steps you need to take to be a bring a exchange 2003 mailbox store that is in a "Dirty" Shutdown state back to life. Actions performed for exchange 200...

How to save your work from a system drive with Bitlocker

This is real small tip but a very crucial one. When you have bitlocker on your systemdrive and somehow your windows installation becomes corrupt then this is the procedure on how to access your data still on the systemdrive. 1. Get the system drive physically out of your system. 2. Attach the drive to another system running windows. 3. When you want to access your data browse to the drive and access it like your reguraly do. 4. You will be prompted to type your PIN. You can see that this only will work when you know your PIN.